Saturday, September 7, 2013

Overnight Trips

For many years, WCS students have enjoyed overnight trips.  Share your own memories of the following trips by clicking on COMMENTS at the end of this post!

Third Grade Trips by Belinda Mould, 3rd grade teacher

Each year the third grade goes on an end-of-the-year trip.  For the last 18 years, it has been to Oklahoma City.  We have gone on chartered buses, visited the Oklahoma Botanical Zoo, and stayed in the Oklahoma Science Museum.  This museum was ours for the night with a staff there just for our fun!  They blew up things for us, let us handle snakes just before bedtime, showed us an IMAX movie, ran "come and go" science centers of our choosing, opened their gift shop at night, presented a planetarium show, and let us sleep on the floor.  That's right sleep on the floor!  This last piece was not always a hit with the parents, and rumors passed from year to year so that parents were always looking for those coveted sleeping spots, sometimes way before the midnight bedtime.  That midnight bedtime was not always too popular with the parents either, but the kids loved it; and the trip was all about the kids.  Oh, I must mention the favorite kid spot . . . the treehouse.  This treehouse is impossible to explain, but it was huge and you could shoot rubber balls and other objects from the top level.  The next day, we returned to Wichita very tired, but with wonderful memories and "if" the parents were lucky, the kids slept all the way home.

This  past year the third graders went to Kansas City.  Oklahoma City had a scheduling problem so the third grade teachers decided to check out Science City Museum in K.C. We would be their first school to spend a weekday night at the museum.  The next day we would travel to the Deanna Rosa Farmland   Since we had been taking students to OKC for almost 20 years we weren't  sure this trip was going meet our expectations. The trip far exceeded  them.  We were blessed with beautiful weather; great, exciting classes; happy, well behaved kids; and  a lot of fun for everyone!  We look forward to KC next year!
Heigh Ho! Heigh Ho! It’s Off to Camp We Go!
The 4th Grade Trip,
by 4th grade teacher Meghan Smith
The Fourth Grade campout has been a tradition for over 20 years in the Lower School! To end each school year, the fourth graders pack up and head to Rock Springs 4-H camp in Junction City, Kansas. This is the first overnight field trip with just teachers as chaperones.  It has been a time of endless laughter, practical jokes and activity-packed days. Students enjoy searching streams for crawfish, riding horses, shooting rifles, aiming arrows during archery and working together. It wouldn’t be a campout without Coach Funke’s traditional medallion hunt after dinner.  We end the day toasting s’mores around the campfire and watching hilarious skits made up from each cabin group.  It is a jam-packed 36 hours of memories in the making for fourth graders to carry with them throughout their Collegiate career and beyond.
5th Grade Overnight Trips by Jessica Mallard, 5th grade math teacher
The destination of the first 5th grade overnight trip was the Flint Hills, featuring an old-fashioned Wagon Train.  This unique trip included eating a genuine chuck wagon supper, breakfast cooked over an open fire, and sleeping under the stars! After several years, 5th graders began staying at Embassy Suites Hotel in Kansas City, visiting museums like Steamboat Arabia and Union Station’s Science City. Students had fun swimming and going out to eat in a big group at Winstead’s (home of the famous and delectable cheeseburger and fries), seeing IMAX movies, and taking science enrichment classes. In recent years, the overnight trip has taken on a Medieval flavor as the students have spent the day at the Kansas City Renaissance Festival to prepare them to host the annual 5th grade Medieval Faire fundraiser. In 2012, students were treated to a tour of the newly restored McPherson Opera House after spending a fun evening at Rock Springs making s’mores and doing teambuilding activities.
Sixth Grade Trip to Hannibal, by Lynda Connell, former WCS faculty member
Near the end of September, beginning in the early ‘90s, sixth graders piled into two buses and traveled to Hannibal, Missouri.  The first novel read during the school year was Tom Sawyer, so the trip was designed to bring to life some of the events in the book, and to learn more about the author.  Parents, teachers, and students spent the night in the Holiday Inn.  The two-day trip was filled with visits to historic sites in Hannibal, including the Mark Twain boyhood home and museum, walking by the whitewashed fence, viewing the Mississippi River, and touring the cave which was an important site in the novel.  A highlight of the trip was an outdoor evening performance which dramatized scenes from Tom Sawyer, all familiar to the students.  Some years the weather was quite cold to sit outside for the show, but at the end of the year, the trip to Hannibal was always mentioned as one of the best memories.
7th Grade Trips by Devon Rothwell ’71, WCS math teacher
Seventh grade students also have the option of going on a trip to Washington DC.  Dave Hawley takes this trip every year to highlight all he has taught the kids in American History.  It is an awesome trip and one most students never forget.
What about the 8th grade trip? 
We're saving that one for later, when it will be included in an article about the Heifer Project!
Share your fun memories of these trips by clicking on "Comments."

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