Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dr.Seuss Celebrations, by "Dr. Seussan" Pangrac!

Hooray for Dr. Seuss! 

“It’s coming. It’s coming.” We all heard them say.
Our favorite of favorites. “It’s Dr. Seuss Day!”

It happens on March 2nd and I’m telling the truth
Everyone looks forward from 2 to grade twoth.

It started with reading—Mrs. Mattix led the way
It just so happens that is her birthday;

Then all early childhood joined the fun
Why, Mrs. Wagner even lead the group in a run!

They’d meet on the track—those smart little cats
And the leader? You guessed it. The Cat in the Hat;

But that Cat looks familiar. It’s Mr. Wagner, I bet
He stays out in front and he’s not been caught yet.

In other parts of the school, more fun is in store
First and second graders are reading much more;

They love the Seuss language and the lessons he teaches
From the Sams and the Hortons to the Grinches and Sneeches.

Kindergarten students get to visit first grade
Where first grade students read a book that Seuss made.

First and second grade kiddos love the way the words run
But Mr. Geisel tucked in life’s lessons along with the fun.

And every other year a breakfast is served
Of ham and green eggs so his memory’s preserved.

As these traditions continue, we all say, “Hooray!”
For the love and the lessons of Dr. Seuss Day. 

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